Is Daylight Savings Time kicking you in the butt? Part two of my Spring Cleaning series features an energy boosting workout that will give you a better mood and a stronger body.

One of my favorite workouts, courtesy of Stay Lively.
This energy-boosting workout has everything you need; heart-pumping cardio, whole-body strength and plenty of energy to boot! Plus, in just 30 minutes, you can get your workout done at home, shower and get to work in time. How’s that for no room for excuses? Your mission is to do as many rounds of these exercises as you can in 30 minutes!

Energy-Boosting Workout:
- 25 Squats: Separate your feet just wider than hip-width apart, bend the knees and lower your hips into a squat.
- 20 Alternating lunges: Step your right foot back into a lunge and bend both knees. Stand up and lunge the left leg back. Alternate right to left.
- 25 Crunches: Lie down on the floor with bent knees and feet flat on the floor. Clasp your hands behind your head. Crunch your upper body up and off the ground and lower down.
- 25 Mountain climbers: Come into a plank position with your hands underneath your shoulders. Keeping your core braced, march your right knee, then left knee in toward your chest. March 25 reps each leg.
- 15 Hand release push-ups: Come back to a static plank but with hands wider on the floor. Lower your entire body in one fluid motion to the ground. Pick your hands up, set them down and then push your body back up.
- 25 Jump squat jacks: Start standing with your feet together. Jump your feet out wide with the toes slightly turned out and bend your knees into a sumo squat. Jump your feet back together.
- 30 Second forearm plank hold: Come into forearm plank with your elbows underneath your shoulders, your legs straight and hands clasped. Engage your core, quadriceps and shoulders. Set a timer for 30 seconds.
When you make exercise a priority, your energy and productivity will increase. Even 30 minutes a day can mean the difference between a healthy, happy body and one prone to illness. And why would you want to give your body one more excuse to get sick during winter? Put this energy-boosting workout on rapid rotation and before you know it, spring will be here!
Drink Vital Proteins Beauty Water while working out. It’ll be like you’re knocking out two wellness factors at once!
Looking for something healthy to eat after your workout? Check out Spring Cleaning Part 1: Spring Greens Soup here!
Want some trendy, but functional workout gear and missed my Top 10 Athleisure Trends post?- Check that out here!