When I first heard of Outdoor Voices, athletic wear definitely did not come to mind. I thought of the literal terms: outdoor – meaning outside, and voices – to speak or be heard. After digging a little deeper and learning more about this Austin-based brand, I learned that this unusual name is actually remarkably fitting for this athletic wear.

Outdoor Voices is about #DoingThings – and that doesn’t mean getting in the gym and sweating your butt off or running marathons. It means moving, being active, doing whatever it is you like and having fun doing. I’ve heard numerous times from many different sources that sitting is the new smoking, and I totally believe it! I find myself part of this statistic from time to time. Yes I might work from home, but that still includes sitting at a desk. I have to constantly remind myself to move and even schedule workouts from time to time. Finding Outdoor Voices reinforced the idea that just to be moving doesn’t mean going to the gym for two hours, but that it could be something as simple as walking my dogs or getting out in the yard and playing volleyball.
This brand has a phenomenal initiative and I hope that more people can and will start to think this way. It’s just the beginning to a healthy lifestyle, but once you have something like ‘Doing Things’ down, the rest will be like a walk in the park.

Another aspect that I love about the brand is that they offer different lines of athletic wear. Whether you’re looking to do things outdoor, the OV Outdoors line is just for that, or maybe your doing things is high-impact – the Tech Sweat line will take care of you there. Also The OV Kit is a great way to score two pieces, a top and bottom, for $95.

I’m wearing the Doing Things Bra in Evergreen and the Tech Sweat 7/8 Flex Leggings in Evergreen. I find this bra to give me pretty good support considering I am bigger in the chest. It’s described as a medium support bra that’s meant to be comfortable. I find that true to believe because it’s not one of the sports bras that I’m clawing to get off after its use. The Tech Sweat leggings detail a lightweight fit, and meant for hot yoga or pilates. I will agree with the lightness because they are not meant to keep you warm by any means. Outdoor Voices also offers other types of Tech Sweat leggings that are meant for other high-impact/high sweat activities. Also check out the other fun prints and patterns – I decided to go with green because of this.

I was delighted to find that the week I reached out to Outdoor Voices, they were opening a store in Nashville. Here are a few pictures of the shop (this was the grand opening so hence the copious amounts of people). The spot on 12 South also has an Elvis inspired room (LOVE! Click here to find out why.) with a throwback fridge and Dance Dance Revolution that still works, plus a Patsy Cline-inspired and Dolly Parton rooms complete with a retro stationary bike.