It’s been talked about for months here in Nashville, Tennessee, and Monday, the Solar System delivered a phenomenon that surpassed any of my expectations.
They say to witness the totality of a Solar Eclipse is a once in a lifetime event, and I’m sure for some, it probably is. Though, I asked myself the question – what if you travel to Texas in 2024 to witness the next one? To be completely honest, I’ve mulled over taking a trip down to Texas just to see another Solar Eclipse in totality. It was that awesome and one of the coolest things I’ve probably seen in my life (ok, definitely top 3). I’ve always had some interest in astrology – I love looking at the stars and locating different constellations. My parents even bought my sisters and me a telescope one year for Christmas.
The Solar Eclipse in Nashville
Once I found out that Nashville was the largest city in the path of totality during the Solar Eclipse, I wrote the date on the calendar. Then, I made sure to order “solar” glasses because I did not want to miss out on this opportunity. Honestly, I didn’t sleep well the night before because I was anticipating this moment. Once the moon started to pass in front of the sun, I couldn’t take my eyes off what was happening. The closer we got to totality, the stranger the atmosphere had become – the crickets started chirping, and there was a different light/shade to the sky, one that I had never seen before. Then totality happened, and it was one of the coolest/weirdest things/feelings – it’s hard to put into words. I got to see the Corona and Bailey’s Beads. It was just spectacular to look at not having to use the approved viewing glasses.
Once totality started to end, I freaked out a little because there were moving “lines” on the ground. Later I found out that they were “shadow snakes” or “shadow bands.” All in all, I feel totally blessed and privileged to experience this event. I know they say everything happens for a reason, and maybe one of the reasons I moved to Nashville was to see the total solar eclipse. What made the day even more special was that I got to spend it with my husband.
I took some photos and a video as well. Though I was prepared for the eclipse, I wasn’t as prepared as I thought. I didn’t have a chance to buy a solar filter for my camera. So this is a photo of when the eclipse is at totality. The video features footage I took on a GoPro and then a time-lapse of how it goes dark during totality. I also have some footage of the “shadow snakes.”