Cabo San Lucas has always been a fantasy place for me. Maybe it’s because I grew up watching Laguna Beach on MTV where Cabo was the place to been seen on Spring Break, hook-ups were the norm and teen drinking was acceptable. It was almost like a Las Vegas of Mexico – all the rules were thrown out the window and it was ok to act out of character.
Though I must say, that this is not the reason that Cabo was alluring to me. I think what captivated me about this place, is that Mexico was one of the first places I went to when I vacationed out of the country, and it seemed like an easy attainable vacation destination. It only takes about half a day to get to (depending on where you’re traveling from), plus room accommodations and food aren’t outrageously priced.
I’ve been to Mexico – Cozumel and Cabo – but this trip was especially special because – 1) I celebrated my 30th birthday and 2) because I got to celebrate it with my husband, plus be with him during his first experience in Cabo. Also I wasn’t so caught up in social media – one of my New Year’s resolutions is to live more in the moment – and it was so refreshing to just take a step back and not compare/worry about and have to keep up with what everyone else is doing. I didn’t want to waste my time or money spent documenting every single step of my trip. That’s why maybe this post and/or photos might not be feel “complete” or take you through every single thing that I did. I can tell you that I was far more relaxed and enjoyed myself.

I will tell you though, I loved the resort we stayed at (Pueblo Bonito Sunset Beach), the food we ate (both on property and off), the ocean and pools we swam in, the friends we met along the way and the company I was with. If you’re traveling to Cabo and want more info on where to stay or where to eat, drop me a note and let me know. I’ll let you know directly and if I get enough questions, I’ll write up another post.
This was by far, one of my favorite vacations that I went on. I know Cabo isn’t some majestic place like the Maldives or Bali, but I think it was because I truly lived every moment of it, plus I found someone that I can share that with and honestly say that I have fun going places with. Traveling with my husband takes the stress out of travel, because we’re never worried about making one another happy or entertaining each other. I know that my husband’s perfectly happy swimming in the ocean, taking a boat tour or just sitting his happy ass in a lounge chair. We both have a love for travel and the ocean – this I know will only make our relationship stronger.

“The sea, once it casts its spell, holds one in its net of wonder forever.”
– Jacques Cousteau