You’ve booked your trip and can’t wait to get to your destination. You’re counting down the days and maybe thinking about what outfits you’re going to take on this trip. Or maybe procrastination is more your style and you think you’ll just “figure out later.” Either way, packing can be stressful, but it doesn’t have to be! That’s why I’m going to get back to packing basics.
I fall somewhere in between “mentally” packing, or thinking about what I’m going to take on a trip, and procrastinating. I feel like sometimes I get the best work done when I procrastinate a bit. Even though I know that I would help myself out and alleviate some stress if I started earlier. But over the years, I’ve found myself following a few tips. Now, I’m going to share them with you.
Start Planning Sooner Than Later
Like I mentioned above, it’s easier said than done. But if I find myself “mentally” packing, I know that I won’t be as stressed or pressed for time when it actually comes to packing. If you can, start laying out what you want to pack 3-5 days before your leave.
Packing Bascis
I’m sure you’ve seen the memes that poke fun at overpacking. Hopefully, by starting to pack early, that’ll help eliminate those extra outfits you probably don’t need. Then in turn, save it’ll save your luggage from being over the weight limit.
Trust me, I’m all about having options while I’m on vacation. However, if I know that I am packing basics or versatile pieces, I know that I’ll have more than enough options.
Three pieces that I know will work for me the entire vacation are this slip dress, satin jumpsuit and cropped sweatshirt. And for my husband, his go-to is the quarter-zip and twill cargo pants.
Both of our outfits are from Macy’s all-new private brand called And Now This. And Now This offers amazing, versatile basics for men and women. They’re super easy for mixing and matching. Hence, the reason why I love packing these pieces on vacation.
Packing basics and having these staples from And Now This allows you to create more outfits than you think. Here’s an example, the slip dress and sweatshirt can be worn on the place for a comfy outfit. But then the slip dress + some jewelry to dress it up, is perfect for a night out.
Same goes with Kevin’s basics. The quarter-zip and cargo pants are perfect for traveling. But the pants are amazing to wear out for dinner.
Packing Other Basics
Don’t forget to pack your toiletries! I know it seems like a no-brainer, but laying these out ahead of time will also save you stressing over if you forgot something or not.
Another good basic to layout ahead of time are undergarments and accessories!
This post is sponsored. All thoughts and opinions are my own.