We all make New Year’s resolutions – sure, that’s the easy part. It’s keeping them that I’ve come to find out is the hard part. Every year I pledge, alongside other resolutions, that I’m going to live a healthier lifestyle. You might not know this about me, but I’m somewhat of a health freak. I’m all for trying new types of workouts and recipes that’ll get me one step closer to being fitter and healthier.

But when it comes down to it, I’m a slacker. I like “cheat meals” a little too much and too often, and sometimes indulge in them more than I should. It’s easy to blame the fail of a New Year’s commitment on being “too busy,” tired or just the convenience of eating out or working one more hour at your computer and putting off the gym.
This time, it’s going to be different. During the month of January I’m going to eat at least one salad a day as a meal. Like I said earlier, I’m great at starting new routines or pledges, but my downfall is keeping them and following through. I feel by making this resolution I’m setting a closer deadline that’s more doable. I know it’s going to be difficult, because I’m set to travel this month but I’m up for taking on this challenge.
I hope you follow along with me and gain some inspiration from my journey. I will be completely honest throughout this process – like I just started it today, not yesterday so this is technically going to be for 30 days. But I’m proud to say that yes, I did have a salad for lunch today. You might say, well that’s going to get boring, but I’m optimistic and looking forward to trying new recipes and concoctions.
Honest talk, I need something that’s going to keep me committed. I’m somewhat doing this to get back on track in my fitness journey, but also just be healthier and live the healthy lifestyle that I strive for.